The study association for studies in Human Geography and Planning in Amsterdam!
Here you can find what study programs are part of study assocation Sarphati.
Do you want to learn more about our bachelor study program? Check out this page!
Here you can find what study programs are part of study assocation Sarphati.
Do you want to learn more about our bachelor study program? Check out this page!
Sarphati organizes many activities every year, so there are always suitable activities for everyone. Among these are educational activities are, such as a visit to a city, lecture or museum, and social activities, such as a hitchhiking weekend or trips to the farthest destinations!
Meet Board XVI
Ben is our commissioner for external affairs. He is primarily in contact with businesses, partners and alumni. He also maintains our LinkedIn-page. |
Sam-Ji WoudstraSECRETARY
Among Sam-Ji's responsibilities are taking care of social media, the newsletter and all things related to administration. It is also his job to take minutes whenever possible |
Lotte DethmersCHAIR
Lotte is the face of Sarphati and provides direction and leadership. Besides that, she maintains the contact with the programs and other associations. |
Renee SchilperoortTREASURER
Renee is our treasurer and is responsible for everything within the association that concerns money and bookkeeping. No penny goes through unchecked, Renee ensures a stable financial state of Sarphati! |
Aaliyah Shafira
VICE-CHAIR Aaliyah is vice-chair, and takes care of the communication with the members and manages the committees. |
Partners and Sponsors
Is your company interested in cooperating with study association Sarphati? If so, please contact Sep van Haren, our contact person for External Affairs.
Reach us by email at [email protected], and during opening hours at 020 525 8276. |
Join in on the fun with our app!
Are you a Geography and Planning student at the UvA?
Sign up now for the Sarphati app to stay informed about everything!
You can request an access code via email from our secretary ([email protected]).
Sign up now for the Sarphati app to stay informed about everything!
You can request an access code via email from our secretary ([email protected]).